Biografije učesnika

Zdravko Jelušić rođen je u Kotor Varoši 1960. godine. Osnovnu školu i gimnaziju završio je u rodnom mestu, a 1979. upisuje studije na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu. Sam se izdržava tokom studija, radeći prvo obične poslove preko studentskog servisa Mašinac, a posle postaje jedan od rukovodilaca, u to vreme, najveće studentske zadruge u Vojvodini. Posle diplomiranja na Saobraćajnom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, služi vojsku u Skoplju. Prvo radno iskustvo stiče u Agrovojvodini gde počinje da radi 1988, a posle dve godine provedene u društvenom preduzeću, osniva privatnu firmu i bavi se zastupanjem najvećih svetskih kompanija iz auto branše. Kao privrednik velikog iskustva, početkom 2013. godine, biran je za potpredsednika Privredne komore Srbije, ali posle dve godine, podnosi ostavku na to mesto zbog ličnih obaveza i funkcije odbornika Skupštine Grada Novog Sada. Kao odbornik Skupštine grada u periodu 2012-2016, zamenik je predsednice Saveta za urbanizam, poslovni prostor i stambena pitanja i član Komisije za obeležavanje praznika, dodelu priznanja i međugradsku saradnju u zemlji i inostranstvu.


Dejan Vukobratović je diplomirao, magistrirao i doktorirao na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu 2001, 2005. i 2008. godine. Njegova doktorska disertacija “Design, analysis and applications of capacity-approaching codes on graphs for erasure channels” rezultovala je sa četiri rada objavljena u vrhunskim međunarodnim IEEE časopisima. Dr Vukobratović je izabran za docenta na Katedri za telekomunikacije i obradu signala u januaru 2009. gde je trenutno zaposlen. Od juna 2009. do decembra 2010. dr Vukobratović je odsustvovao sa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu kao postdoktorski istraživač na prestižnoj stipendiji Evropske Unije Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship na Univerzitetu Stratklajd (Strathclyde University) u Glazgovu, Velika Britanija. Po povratku iz Velike Britanije, njegov istraživački rad na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu podržan je od strane Evropske Unije „Marie Curie European Reintegration Grantom“ u periodu od juna 2011. do juna 2014. godine. Dr Vukobratović vodi FTN grupu koja učestvuje u FP7 ITN projektu ADVANTAGE i FP7 IRSES projektu „QoSTREAM, a nacionalni je koordinator dve EU COST akcije (IC0906 i IC1104).

Dragan Jovanović je 21.01.2011. izabran za vanrednog profesora na Departmanu za saobraćaj Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu; 01.09.2008. izabran za Šefa Katedre za saobraćajne sisteme; 01.10.2007.- predavač na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu za predmet ''Propisi u oblasti saobraćaja'' 01.09.2007.- „DAR AL SAHRA Ent. & Petroleum Services“, Oman, Road Safety Monitoring Team, Road Safety Controller 01.10.2006.- predavač na poslediplomskim studijama na Saobraćajno-tehničkom fakultetu u Doboju za predmet ''Upravljanje bezbednošću drumskog saobraćaja'' 01.10.2006.- 01.10.2007. predavač na Saobraćajno-tehničkom fakultetu u Doboju za predmet ''Saobraćajno pravo'' 01.02.2006.- predavač na Pravnom fakultetu u Novom Sadu za predmet ''Bezbednost saobraćaja''' 23.01.2006. izabran za docenta za predmet ''Bezbednost saobraćaja'', na Saobraćajnom odseku Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 19.11.2003. izabran za asistenta za predmet ''Bezbednost saobraćaja'', na Saobraćajnom odseku Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 01.10.2003.- predavač na Višoj tehničkoj školi iz Uroševca sa privremenim sedištem u Zvečanu za predmete ''Bezbednost saobraćaja 1'' i ''Bezbednost saobraćaja 2'' 01.10.2001. – 01.10.2002. izvodio vežbe na Pravnom fakultetu u Novom Sadu iz predmeta ''Vezbednost saobraćaja'' 01.10.2000. – 01.10.2001. izvodio vežbe na Višoj tehničkoj školi u Nišu iz predmeta ''Bezbednost saobraćaja'' 01.11.2000. izabran za asistenta-pripravnika za predmet ''Bezbednost saobraćaja'', na Saobraćajnom odseku Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 15.12.1998. - 01.11.2000. stručni saradnik na Saobraćajnom odseku Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu

Vladan Nešić, Sistem Analitičar Ekspert, PMP, Telekom Srbija. Diplomirani inženjer elektrotehnike, član Inženjerske komore Srbije, profesionalni rukovodilac projekata. Dugogodišnje učešće u svim značajnim aktivnostima za razvoj Telekoma od njegovog osnivanja pa do danas kako sa pozicije razvoja u okviru tehnike tako i sa pozicije rukovođenja prodajnih aktivnosti za privatne korisnike i segment malih biznis korisnika. Poslednjih sedam godina aktivno učestvuje u razvojnim aktivnostima ICT segmenta u okviru Direkcije za IT podršku i ICT usluge. Telekom Srbija je trasirao strateške incijative u svom poslednjem strateškom planu od 2017. godine gde je prepoznao IoT tržište kao jedan od stubova budućeg poslovanja. Kao rukovodilac projekta implementacije nove IoT platfrome i prvog poslovnog rešenja Zaštite podzemne TK infrastrukture, ostvaruje značajan uspeh na ovom polju sa ciljem daljeg razvoja različitih Use Case-ova iz različitih oblasti komercijalne primene.



Aleksandar N. Ašonja, energetski menadžer Grada Novog Sada i Direktor Agencije za energetiku Grada Novog Sada. U energetskom sektoru radi 19. godina. Publikacije i nauka: Kao autor i koautor objavio preko 100 naučnih i stručnih radova, 13 knjiga i 4 tehnička rešenja; Naučno-stručni projekti: Učesnik na 8 domaćih i jednom međunarodnom naučno-stručnom projektu; Stručni ispiti: • Stručni ispit iz oblasti: Termotehnike, procesne tehnike, gasne tehnike i energetike, (Inženjerska komora Srbije) i • Stručni ispit za energetskog menadžera za oblast opštinske energetike, (Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije); Licence: • Licenca za obavljanje poslova energetskog menadžera za oblast opštinske energetike –Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike Republike Srbije, • Licenca iz mašinske struke za: Projektovanje iz oblasti: termotehnike, procesne tehnike, gasne tehnike i energetike - Inženjerska komora Srbije, • Licenca iz mašinske struke za: Izvođenje radova iz oblasti: termotehnike, procesne tehnike, gasne tehnike i energetike - Inženjerska komora Srbije.

Janko Pavlović / Entrepreneur, engineer and inventor. Janko was born 1991st in Republic of Serbia. He was studing bachelor studies at the faculty of Electrical engineering (power engineering) in Belgrade, and graduated with an invention. It was a smart stove, saving aroung 50% of energy during the boilling process. Afterwards he was enrolled in master studies at the same faculty with the major ''Smart city'' which he succesfully finished with a new inovation so-called ''E-Lungs''. ''E-Lungs'' is a completely new type of hybrid vehicle. It's an electrical hybrid without batteries, first time in the hystory. Both inventions were succesfully competing and presenting on many world conferences and competitions. Right now Janko is an entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of Serbian start-up ''digital worx''. Digital worx is software development company focused on indistrial IoT, on the global market. Additionaly, Janko is active member of Rotaract club and currently on a position: Country Representative of Serbia.

Dušan Macura, rođen je 1973. godine u Novom Sadu, po zanimanju master inženjer elektrotehnike i računarstva, zaposlen u Novosadskoj toplani na mestu Rukovodioca sektora za proizvodnju i distribuciju toplotne energije. Osnovno, srednje i visoko obrazovanje stekao je u Novom Sadu. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, odsek za elektrotehniku i računarstvo, smer elektroenergetika. Profesionalno je specijalizovan za sisteme upravlјanja termoenergetskim postrojenjima, razvoj i optimizaciju rada i vođenje sistema dalјinske energetike. Ekspert je za pametne sisteme daljinske energetike. Vodio je ili učestvovao u realizaciji svih velikih i važnih projekata u Novosadskoj toplani u poslednjih 15 godina, ukupne vrednosti preko 50 miliona eura. Posvećen je transformaciji i viziji održivog razvoja sistema dalјinskog grejanja. Zastupa principe intenzivne modernizacije sistema, tehnologije za povećanje energetske efikasnosti, integraciju obnovlјivih izvora energije i transformaciju u pametne sisteme daljinske energetike. Član je nekoliko međunarodnih stručnih organizacija (PMI, IDEA, ASHRAE, DBDH, SZE), poseduje 5 stručnih licenci Inženjerske komore, kao i više specijalizovanih stručnih licenci i sertifikata. Pohađao je preko 200 specijalizovanih obuka i kurseva. Objavio je više desetina radova i publikacija na međunarodnim i domaćim naučno-stručnim skupovima iz oblasti energetike. Detalјnu biografiju možete pogledati na

Aleksandar Mastilović is currently employed as the Expert Advisor to the Director-General of the Communications Regulatory Agency Bosnia and Herzegovina, from December 2017. He moved back to the Bosnia and Herzegovina as the part of an initiative for creating an expert group of the regulatory authority competent for the implementation of 4G, Digital TV and other significant and critical national projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Aleksandar is the project leader of many past and current international, regional and domestic projects related with Smart Cities, Smart Grid and Emergency Communications, including the first practical implementation of the Smart City services in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the first in the region: “EU Interreg MED Project ESMARTCITY: Smart Public Lights in East Sarajevo” in the cooperation with the Development Agency of East Sarajevo and local government. He is the external expert of the UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina in the City Mind Lab initative for Smart Sarajevo working on currently running Smart Lights project in the Sarajevo Canton. Since January 2017, Aleksandar has started serving in the IEEE on the global level as an executive board member. IEEE is a renowned representing electrical engineering community with 600.000 members and the budget approx. one billion$ US, which makes the IEEE the world’s largest professional, non-government and not-for-profit organization and the most significant engineering organization, which advances technology for humanity. Aleksandar is an active IEEE volunteer for more than 17 years and nowadays he is the member of a few working groups and executive committees on a global level: IEEE Publications Services and Products Board, IEEE Conferences Committee, IEEE Young Professionals Committee, IEEE Platform Guidance Group, IEEE Internet of Things Standards Steering Committee and many others global level OUs, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in their local sections and chapters. He served in the IEEE Industry Engagement Committee in 2017. He is very active in promoting smart technologies for improving quality of life and building a smart society at all. Aleksandar has substantial international experience in technical, business, education and regulation/legal side of smart technologies. His working experience helped him to build the Triple-Helix-based understanding and multidisciplinary knowledge from Government-Business-Academia sectors perspective. Aleksandar is an individual expert member or the official representative of the Communications Regulatory Agency Bosnia and Herzegovina n many technical, standardization and policy organization, as follows: IEEE, ITU, BEREC, 3GPP, RIPE, IETF, EMERG, IEC and many others. He was awarded a grant from IEEE Communications Society for 1st Summer School for 30 best Ph.D. students in Telecommunications worldwide in 2015 and is the author of 8 papers on IEEE conferences and workshops. Furthermore, he was one of 19 members in the international expert group in IEEE for creating the trend survey paper Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applied in Cybersecurity ( confluence/feedback.html). His research interest is Cellular Mobile System 4G/5G with focus on Internet of Things applications and services and especially for Smart Cities and their initiatives, but also Computer Networks Design, Routing, and Switching and Communications Security including Applied Mathematics methods and algorithms in Cryptography. Aleksandar is also a Distinguished Lecturer of Friedrich Naumann Foundation on Smart Technologies, Smart and Responsive Cities topics. He is also co-founder of Smart Cities Education Initiative in the Western Balkans region as the representative of the IEEE partner, together with representatives of Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Aleksandar is very related to educational activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and the Western Balkans region. He served as a member of Executive Board of the BH Futures Foundation in the period 2017-2018 for the very beginning of the organization building many innovations, entrepreneurship and mentorship programs and activities. Aleksandar is also co-founder and agitator for the European Robotics Week program in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was the main judge in a robotics competition for kids: First Lego League Serbia 2019. In years before, Aleksandar graduated BSc in 2009 and MSc in 2016 at the University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). In the period between 2009 and 2014, Aleksandar was employed in University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as research and teaching assistant in the field of computer sciences, computer networks and cybersecurity. In 2014, he received Maria Curie Fellowship from EU for Ph.D. studies and was working on the FP7 ADVANTAGE ITN Project in Working Package 1 team for Smart Home design at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences (Serbia). The primary research topic is Architecture Design for 5G Cellular System, with focus on optimizing uplink Communications and Power Control in Small Cells and Uncoordinated Random-Access Control for Massive and Critical Machine-to-Machine communications, as his Ph.D. topic.

Dr Nenad Gligoric holds a PhD from the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade. He was engaged as a software engineer in Ericsson on research projects: FP7  HOBNET, FP7 EXALTED, OUTSMART and FP7 SmartSantander. In DunavNET company, he had several roles (developer, researcher, project manager) and is active in the proposal preparation, successfully obtaining grants for more then four projects from the H2020 framework (H2020 LOGISTAR, Novi Sad city challenges, DIATOMIC, Smart Impact, etc). Nenad was leading development of smart city framework for FP7 SOCIOTAL project, developing Trust and Reputation mechanisms and the open API for the SOCIOTAL platform. He was technical manager of the H2020 TagItSmart, research project with high industry outcome: technology adopted by Carrefour retail chain in UK and Spain, new GS1 URI barcode standard, etc. In H2020 Privacy Flag he was leading the architecture design; testing, validation and integration tasks. In "Novi Sad city challenges" funded by the H2020 Organicity open call, he organised and chaired 3 Hackathon events. He also organised Hackathons in scope of the IoT Week 2016 in Belgrade and IoT Week 2017 in Geneva. In the moment, he is working on IoT application in logistics using big data and advance learning algorithms (AI) in the H2020 Project LOGISTAR. His work has been published in peered reviewed Journal and academic venues including Sensors, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Transaction on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, PerCom, DCOSS, CyberC, etc.

Marko Marković, rođen u Šapcu 1989 godine, doktorant Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, vlasnik firme za inženjering i projektovanje Pyramid Ing doo. Aktivno učestvovanje na promociji sistema energetske efikasnosti kroz upotrebu savremenih materijala, štedljive opreme i upotrebe Smart sistema za optimizaciju sistema rasvete, grejanja i hlađenja. U poslenje 3 godine preko 50 000 m2 isprojektovanih pridržavajući se navedenih načela. Isprojektovano preko 300 kW solarnih energana, od toga 25kW instalirano, 150kW u postupku postavljanja.

Martin Elezović je zaposlen u Atrium Consulting d.o.o. Beograd, kompaniji za Facility management i konsalting u oblasti održivog razvoja od 04/2007 - trenutno je na funkciji Izvršnog direktora / Prokuriste 2014-2015 Serbian Green Building Council Potpredsednik 2014 - trenutno Serbian Green Building Council Član Borda direktora 2001-2007 EnPlus d.o.o. Beograd, Kompanija za energetsku efikasnost i simulacije karakteristika zgrada; Konsultant za energiju zgrade 1998-2001 Laboratorija za termodinamiku, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Beograd Odeljenje za obnovljive izvore energije i termičko modelovanje, Istraživač saradnik Kvalifiakcije 2016 WIFI Trener za Facility Management Academy 2015 Licencirani BREEAM In Use Auditor 2013 Licencirani BREEAM International Assessor 2012 Licencirani inženjer za energetsku efikasnost zgrada 2010 LEED Green Associate trening 2001-2002 EnPlus, Beograd Interna obuka - Prof Ed Solwell, Prof B. Todorović itd.Energetska efikasnonst i energetsko modelovanje 2001 Laboratorija za termodinamiku, Univerzitet u Liježu, Belgija, Obuka za dinamičke simulacije, testiranju zgrada i HVAC sistema 2000 Odeljenje za fiziku zgrada, Univerzitet u Atini, Grčka, Obuka o pasivnom hlađenju zgrada 1997 Master inženjer mašinstva; Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Master tema: HVAC